Bar Cutters & Bar Benders....

Malaysia Construction Machinery


Copyright © 2009, LAKU Industries Sdn Bhd, All Rights Reserved.

This electric driven type Bar Cutter and bar benders can be use in the construction sites and steel service centers. The 42mm capacity machines proved to be relialble.

This link bender is recommended to bend for small bar. Fast and efficient to use in the construction site.

TKBB-series Bar Bender and TKBC-series Bar Cutter are the earlist model in the procution lines. The stand alone units powered by Water Cooled Diesel Engines most suitable to use in the construction sites where no need of power supply.


TKBB-32 bend up to 32mm steel bars

TKBB-42 bend up to 42mm steel bars


TKBC-32 cut up to 32mm steel bars

TKBC-42 cut up to 42mm steel bars